Thursday, March 23, 2006

Plans are made to be broken.

Well, so much for my plan to post more often. Heck, I've even got a [PLAN] post already written up, but I'm just not in the mood for it. I guess, well, that I've gotten complacent, not really wanting to post because I don't have to, or really want to, well, scratch that, I want to post, just not more then I want to WoW, or watch TV. It's about priorities, and I never got far enough into this thing for it to become a priority. Heck, my first post was back at the beginning of the Fall semester, and here it is, spring break, and I'm on like my two dozenth post.

Not a very good blog, but then again, that's about par for the course with me. I get really into something for a week or so, then fall off when nothing really comes out of it. Right now, this blog is just for me, and since I don't have any investment into it, at least, not recently, I really don't seem to have a lot of care for it.

Well, here's hoping that putting the [PLAN] tag on my last post doesn't mean that that plan is an improbable one.

Sunday, March 19, 2006

[META][PLAN] Resurrecting the blog

We all make plans in life. From the mundane, everyday plans of our daily rituals, to our vacation plans, our wedding plans, our retirement plans, our plans for our children, and out plans for our own life. Each and every one is an attempt to add order to the chaos of everyday life. Plans do change, though, some subtly, other more dramatically, but still, they change.

I bring this up because of my reflecting I've recently done regarding my own plans. I have many many, many plans throughout my life. From the mundane, to the life-altering, from the practical, to the fanciful. Some of them were used once and discarded. Others are used on a daily or weekly basis. Some were begun to be implemented, and then aborted or radically altered. Most, though, were thought up, and then abandoned before they could even become to come to fruition, orphaned to the whims of fate.

Now, most of that latter category are contingent on improbable or impossible circumstances, plans that could never come to fruition, or even begun, because of the conditions for implementation. So, in the interest of reinvigorating this faltering blog, hopefully one of my better plans, I will post those impossible plans. Each of these posts, like this one, will have the [PLAN] tag as a prefix, just to make it easier to navigate.

So, here' to one of my better plans.

The War

I'm not sure why I started this, ro where I'm going with it, but here it is, none the less. Life has finally become mundane, at elast for a while. I have recently found myself conflicted though. I don't support the president, I didn't vote for him in '04, and I wasn't able to put my vote towards Gore in '00. This is the first part of my conflicting thoughts.

The second, though, is that I agree with him on one point. Just one. I agree that we need to stay in Iraq for the foreseeable future. I don't agree with any of the myriad reasons put forth for the commencement of Gulf War II, but I can't see any logical reason for the US to end it at this time. You see, if we were to pull out every troop right now, we'd lose. We'd stop losing lives, even though this is the least deadly war in US history (though there is a shitload of casualties), but we'd lose the war, and a few other things. We'd lose our credibility, since if we pull out, who will trust us in the future, when we couldn't even finish what we started.

We need to stay in Iraq, no because of democracy, though that is fine and dandy, but because if we leave, the terrorists win. They gain an unstable country with millions of sympathizers, and we lose one of our few allies in the region. Sure, we're not going about this the smartest way, but we can't just leave, it would cascade into another isolationist movement like we had after WWI, and that lead to WWII, because we refused to join in. This is a worse case scenario, the best case is just a mild PR nightmare, and the Iraqi people banding together to form a strong and liberal Muslim democracy.

So, we need to stay, and we need to help support the Iraqi citizens. We need to get the Iraqis defending themselves, and to see the terrorists for exactly what they are, homicidal maniacs that don't want to see a free and democratic Iraq. Sure, we put Saddam in power, but he was the lesser of two evils, and then he became the greater evil, but we left him in power after GWI because of politics. If we can't support an Iraqi coalition government, then he might become, once more, the lesser evil. That would be a sad day for America.

So, I hate to admit it, but I agree with President Bush, we need to stay the course in Iraq, because the alternative is worse.