Wednesday, February 25, 2009


I write in a fairly convoluted fashion, but it works for me (as long as I can finish the second step).

My first step is, of course, to write. I do this in fits and spurts, and usually on some sort of cheap notepad or notebook. Recently I spent about three times my normal amount on a leatherette bound journal (it has the ribbon bookmark and everything) and started writing in that. Apparently, I've become inspired, because what began as forcing myself once a night to write a single page (which I couldn't even do for a week straight) eventually morphed into something different. It's now my dumping ground, my first draft. Once I'm done with it (probably in a week or two), I'll buy a few more, and start a new one. While I could never write for an extended period of time on notepads or in notebooks, this journal is really working for me.

So, once the writing is in the journal my second step begins. Or, more accurately, doesn't. This is the step where I transpose from the paper to the pixel. It's also why I call my writings my first draft, since I've never done a word for word cope from paper to pixel in my life. Every time I transpose I think about the story differently, usually expounding on the story, and sometimes realizing that while I really like where my story went, I'm not to fond of where it started.

With my Change Novel that's the case. Right after I wrote the prologue, which I wrote exactly once from brian to screen, I started writing my story proper in the journal. My main character was angry and depressed, but as I wrote the story, I realized that angry and depressed doesn't work for me, so he transitioned very quickly into a hopeful leader. This creates a problem, because now I have a lead-in that doesn't work with my story. So, I decided to write a different lead-in, and it's proving to be much longer and more engrossed than the original, but I think its going to work better.

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