Tuesday, October 09, 2007

A little bit of reorganization

Well, I thought I'd stop in, mainly because I had some new stories to get out of my head, and I thought, "Well, where I can get them out of my head? I know, I'll post them on my derelict blog!"

So, I posted two new flash fiction pieces. Yes, I'm calling them flash fiction, it's what you can short fiction generally under 1000 words. I think I may have to re-label some of my older work, since I'm not sure if it's flash or just short, but at least I'm using Blogger's label system (works much better than my little bracket tags ever did).

So, my first two pieces of new fiction is actually fan fiction, based on one of my favorite stories right now, Tales of MU. It's a fun little AU fantasy story with lots of D&D and webcomic in jokes. My little fan fiction deals with a pair (or possibly two pairs, not sure) of Delving and Discovery majors at Majesterius University. This is, of course, their Delving 101 course, though one of the characters is showing off a bit, and I think the other's not exactly sure of herself.

I like the two of them, mainly because it allows me to describe some cool scenes with some story hanging on them, and well as some story with some cool scenes hanging on them

I'm not sure if I'll write any more, but hey, at least it's out there.

Signing off…

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