Saturday, September 17, 2005


Well, tonight's post isn't pre-written, so it's not going to be long. Why isn't it pre-written, well, I spent my time today writing, yes, but the first chapter in a book about the adventures of one of my LG characters, not exactly content for this blog. Mainly because I don't own the story, or most of the characters involved, just the one, Aziz Banjari, Half-Rhen, Half-Elf, Marshal. He's fus to play, because my image of the Rhennee are that of ze free-wheeling river folk zat ploy the vaters vith thick accents and fun vocabulary.

Plus, so far most of it's written in first person, rather then third person, so the accent runs a little thick at time, fun, but thick. So, instead, I'm going to talk a bit about work, and my day at work. It was fairly boring, since my highlight was writing, and the lowlight was a simultaneous breakdown of both digital photo machines.

The first was the Aladdin, which is basically a touch-screen monitor connected to a networked server, serving the images customers bring in to another server, called the PIC, which then send it to yet another server, which along with the printer, is called the Frontier. So, it seems, after about two hours of wrangling (thank God for slow nights), that the NIC in the Aladdin is out, broken, kaput.

Well, then the KPM (Kodak Picture Maker), ran out of the thermal printing ribbon, so I had to find time to fix that as well, but at least that could be fixed.

So, off to bed with me, and hopefully, a pre-written post on the morrow.

1 comment:

Me said...

Zanks for ze links... zey are much fun to follow. By ze way... one can alveys zubztitute other names for ze characters one does not own... many authors blog zeir ztories before zey publish!