Saturday, September 17, 2005

Porn (Amateur and Otherwise)

Well, today I saw yet another example of the oddity of America. In addition to the normal odd and stupid things that I, as a photo tech, see, I am once more faces with a supreme example of the odd, amateur pornography.

Now, I don't have a problem with porn, in fact, I usually check out a few free porn sites on a fairly regular basis (say, one a day). Now, my parents, who I know read, or used to read at one point, this blog might know I look or porn. What they might not know is how long I've looked at various pornographic images, since, say, my sophomore year of high school, when we first got High Speed Internet. Yeah, it was illegal, but, I was a lower-tier geek, I had to fit in with at least the outcasts, so, I looked at porn to fit in. Plus, it was a way for me to at least think I out-smarted my parents, even though I suspect they knew about my actions, they never really caught me, so I never really got in trouble. Well, there was this one time, but that really doesn't count. Anyway, it was also, in addition to the social and political aspects, it was a way for me to be a rebel, breaking the rules, and a few laws, to get my jollies.

Now, of the hundreds of free and pay porn sites I have found in my seven-odd years of searching, only one has remained for any duration of time. Almighty, one which I only discovered about, oh, three years ago, only after I was actually legal. Now, I didn't find this site while looking for porn, no, at this time I was still in my Google Directory phase. Instead, I happened up a banner ad that intrigued me. It was on a site run by a friend of mine from high school, [REDACTED], and it was a plain, two-frame, animation of a guy with a content look on his face bounding up and down about three pixels, with a word bubble that said "fap, fap, fap, fap". I had seen this add probably about twenty different times, and since I'm not one to click on banner ads, I had never seen what was beyond it's yellow contentment. So, one day, while I was sitting in my dorm room, I decided to take the plunge, and clicked on the ad, and the rest, as they say, is history. Or not, if you're smart enough to delete it from the history, and the cache, and the address bar, oh, and probably a few other places on the computer, just to make sure nobody finds it.

So, yes, I look at porn, but not the degrading stuff, no, I look at only the best, highest quality free porn, which usually entails searching for just one name. Now, shortly after finding Almighty Zeus, I looked at every free gallery, then, I stopped looking at the amateur ones, no class. Then, I stopped looking at the blondes, never really liked blondes, too linked to stupidity, and I don't like stupid women. So, that limited me to brunettes and redheads, and since redheaded porn stars, at least ones that were born that way (redheaded, not a porn star), are rare, I stuck mostly with the brunettes. So, among the various brunettes, one stuck out. She was classy, sexy, had a great figure, and a modest bosom (though still large enough), oh, and she was smart enough that she ran her own web site and got a significant piece of the revenue off her images. She was smart an sexy, her name Crissy Moran. Now, unlike most men that look at porn, I don't like the really hardcore stuff, I feel that I'm degrading the women enough by looking, I'm not going to go that extra mile and leave nothing of mystery. So, I prefer to look at tasteful porn, mostly bikini and lingerie shots, though some partial nudity, if done right, is still tasteful. Of course, my opinion of her isn't hurt by the fact that she's rather short, only about five foot two, so she's got great proportions.

So, now that we've hit amateur and professional pornography, as well as my history therein, let's do a little housekeeping. This is my first post in quite a while, and it's bothered some people, especially me. I could think of tons of really good blog ideas, like this one, while at work, but by the time I'd gotten home, I'd have thought the topic to death. So, today, and hopefully every, or every other, day for a good while, I'm going to pre-write my blog entries at work and school, so that they're down on paper and out of my head before they are thought to death.

So, here's to old fashioned pen, paper, and pornography.

P.S. - Just a thought. If you see condoms, contraceptives, and sexual lubricants, are you a part of the sex industry?

Edit (05/16/2011): Redacted names and links upon request.

1 comment:

Me said...

Hope it doesn't dash your belief in your own rebellion, but your parents knew from the very beginning. They were clever and just as computer savvy. But there's rebellion and then there's REBELLION! ;)