Monday, August 22, 2005


Okay, so, following last night's fun with the iPod, I called AppleCare this afternoon, after work. I called with two things in mind. First, I needed to transfer my APP (AppleCare Protection Plan) from my previous iPod (number 4), to my current iPod (number 5).

This took me quite some time, because, well, I couldn't find the phone number. I looked all through their website, and couldn't find it. Oh, I'm sure it's there, I just couldn't find it! So, I googled it, and found it.

For those that care, it's 1-800-APL-CARE (or 1-800-275-2273).

So, I call them up, and once I get into the right queue (love that word), I'm on hold for like five minutes. Then, I get the Customer Service Representative to hook me up. It works, and within another five to ten minutes, my current iPod is under my APP. Then I ask about the problem I'm having, and she transfers me over to Tech Support.

So, after another five minutes of hold, this time with much better music (and my phone nearly crapping out midway due to lack of power), I get on the phone with a Tech. After giving my name and serial number (the iPod's not mine), she asks me what the problem is. I describe it, and just to make sure, I try to replicate the problem.

but, lo and behold, it works. So, I'm like "Um, well, it wasn't working, but now it is". So, I try and check everything out to make sure, but the USB Dock Connector doesn't work. That should have been a sign, but I didn't take it. So I rushed over and grabbed my Firewire Dock Connector from my HTS, and just as I'm about to make it all work, my phone finally craps out, and I'm without Tech Support.

Then, it goes and does it all again, and I'm without iPod.


I guess I'll tackle it on my way to school tomorrow, seeing as I'm leaving early so that I can give my Mom extra Alone Time.

Well, off to the game. (I might post about that aftewards).

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