Wednesday, August 10, 2005

Stupid College

Yeah, it's another post nobody will read.

But hey, it fells good.

Okay, Stupid College, let me count the ways.

Ten days ago, ten, I paid off the college, all two hundred and fifty-something dollars. Then, I'm like, well, I paid, they'll remove my hold, and I can register. But, no go.

So, I wait for the next day. Still held.

Well, maybe they needed a weekend, yeah that's it, a weekend.

Nope, okay, um, well, I'll call them, that'll do it.

Well, it did, after three days, five messages, and two three departments. So, now I'm registered. Not exactly the classes I wanted, but that's because they dropped one, which sucks.

So, tuesday and thursday afternoons, friday evenings, and saturday mornings. A bit more expensive then I had planned (now it's ten bucks a month, rather then five, so I might want to invest in the pass, maybe.

But, now I'm waiting to see if the delayed billing will kick in.

Here's the bureaucracy.

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