Monday, August 22, 2005

Stupid iPod


Well, it finally happened, my fifth iPod died on me last night.

Now, some people who read this blog (you know who you are), might be thinking Fifth? But Nobodez, I though this was your second iPod?

Well, it goes like this. I received my first ipod (a 5GB, scroll wheel model), in February of 2002. Later that year, I believe it was September, that one died, and so I received a second, replacement, ipod from Apple. Then, in January of 2003, right before the one year warranty ran out, the second one died, and I received my third iPod.

That one died about a year later, though it limped on for about another year before, on Christmas of 2004, I received a 40 GB iPod (Click Wheel goodness) from my loving parents. All was fine and dandy, but not three or four months in, it went and died, and I received my fifth iPod in the mail (well, actually it was DHL) from Apple.

Now, yesterday, my iPod went and deleted all it's music and had to be restored. And, while I was recopying the songs, the hard drive went out, which meant that it was dead.

Dee Ee Dee, Dead.

Well, I'll call AppleCare this afternoon and get them to send a box for me to send Galatea (the name of iPod 5) to them so that I can get my sixth iPod.

For the record, I don't remember what iPods 1 and 2 were named, but 3 was named Alexandrina, after my iBook (though it was named in January of 2004, rather then 2003 when I received it from Apple), and number 4 was named Yoriko, after an Iconic Character in d20 Modern. Galatea is named after the Master of Many Forms Iconic in Complete Adventurer.

Well, off to work with me.

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