Wednesday, August 10, 2005


Okay, yes, this make four posts in less then 12 hours, so sue me.

I just finished listening to Scott Sigler's EarthCore, and I can't help but recommend it. Hence it's inclusion in my links off to the side.

Now, I touched on this over in my comments to the post about the final chapter over there (see link), but, well, I think this would make one killer of a module. And yes, that's an emphasis on KILLER.

It would work good as a d20 Modern or maybe a Spycraft module. Heck, it'd work great as a CoC adventure. Think of what would have happened if Connel and Angus had lost a lot of SAN on the way down. Oh wait, they did. Se what happened to Mac.

Okay, so, I'm a bit of a fanboy, but hey, that's what I am.

Nobodez the Fanboy, out.

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