Thursday, August 11, 2005

Working with Idiots

Okay, so, last night, I realized that I'm either way too smart to be working at Walgreens, or this is just god's way of telling me that I need to be more tolerant of people who have different priorities on what's important.

For one thing, one of the women I work with, Vanessa (who is rather hot, but under 18), didn't know what a stereotype was, or more specifically, she didn't know that stereotype was the proper term for what a stereotype was.

At first, this didn't phase me, since it really wasn't important.

But, then I used the word anachronistic, and that went over both her head, and that of another of my coworkers, Matt. So, now both of them are looking at me funny. So, instead of trying to define anachronistic to the pair, I decided, to just frell it all and actually go home, since it was after work and I wasn't getting paid to be there in the first place.

Once again, I hate stupid people.

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